NREL - National Renewable Energy Laboratory NWTC Information Portal


Contents NWTC 135-m Turbine Inflow Towers
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Welcome to the NWTC's web site for data from the NWTC tall towers.

The towers at the NWTC (see map below) are research towers that are used to measure the atmospheric conditions and winds that flow into the site. These data are used for research into how the atmosphere and wind turbines interact.

National Wind Technology Center

Three towers are described on this web site:

  • M2 is an 80-m tower at the west end of the site. Commissioned in 1996, the data are used for the NWTC weather display.
  • M4 is a 135-m tower at the south east end of the site. Commissioned in 2012, this tower measures the inflow into the southern turbines. Current conditions are shown here.
  • M5 is another 135-m tower at the north east end of the site, measuring inflow into a wind turbine. Commissioned in 2013, current conditions are shown here.

Archives of ten-minute average data from November 2011 onward are available here.

Use this RSS news feed to keep up-to-date with what's going on with the towers, data, and publications.

Please note that because the the towers are research towers, we may change the instrumentation and data analysis at any time and without warning. Also, the data may not always be available or up to date, although we make every effort to maintain good data availability. Do not rely on these data for any purpose. The data that are stored in the archives may be preliminary or out of date, and may be changed or removed without warning. All data are made available without any gaurantees. Documentation is also preliminary and may be changed at any time. These data and documentation are available in beta-test versions for those who wish to evaluate them. Before using our data, please read the disclaimer.

This page is primarily for the benefit of the US Government and organizations that have contracts with the Department of Energy's Wind and Water-Power Program. Others are welcome to use the data, but we do not have the resources to support them.

This page was last updated by A. Clifton on Tuesday, 27-Jan-2015 10:46:23 MST.

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